Monday, March 15, 2010

Small minded living

In my experience with life, human beings have very large brain capacity yet only use a very small portion of it. Regardless of the statistics that say we only use 10% of our brain, I'm talking about a higher brain. The higher you that is aware that it's not your brain speaking at all, in fact it's your ego. I've recently encountered alot of situations in my life where I have to stop and asess a situation i'm in and say to myself, "is this me talking or my ego?"  

Your ego is the little voice in your head that tells you your scared, or not good enough. It always fuels the fire when there is drinking involved, some girl looked at your man the wrong way, or even you. It reminds you to take things personally and only think about yourself. Eckhart Tolle says, in A New Earth that when you become aware of when YOUR talking and when your EGO is talking, that it's your first step to higher understanding. When you become aware then you can take a step back and look at the bigger picture, and see that we are all one. One energy field, all connected, kind of like everyone in the world holding hands all the time. You would have to take everyone on the planet with you everywhere you went, right ?? Well we are, basically, energetically holding hands all the time. So when your walking down the street or sitting at the DMV or just standing in line to buy food and you make eye contact with someone and smile or say hello, imagine yourself holding their hands and feeling a very close friendship with that person, wouldn't you want to do that with everyone?? I would !!!

Everyday is a new experience for me, on a very long exciting journey. I get up every morning and "attempt" to meditate (my ego speaking there) I make a smoothie or some hot tea, stretch, exercise a little, read and then carry on with my day. I have recently come to understanding doing something small for myself every morning before everyone wakes up, that feels good and sets a good intention for my day, makes all the difference in the world. This body suit that our souls are living in can sometimes seem to drag us down, but if you just remember that this lifetime is one of many we are going to have and that our thoughts can change anything, hopefully you can see things in a new light.

We are never "born" and we will never "die" we will just leave this physical form we are in at the present moment, to become another energy source on another plane of being.

I notice i learn alot by talking to other people, i especially learn to practice patience :) if you could sit down everyday and look at a printout of how many times you said in one day "I" "me" "not enough" "hate my job" "so expensive" "wish i had more" "wouldn't that be nice" etc, you would be stunned. If everyone in the world cut out the words "I" and "me" and used the words "us" and "we", do you have any idea how that would shift the energy on this planet?? Try it for a day, and if someone says "who are you talking about when you say we?" you can say "you, me, that guy over there, people in Haiti and Chile and Turkey and Africa, people in Skid Row, well basically all people because we are all connected". First of all it would be HILARIOUS to see their reaction but also you might feel more connected, even if just for that moment. What if you did that for a week or a month or a year or the rest of your life, wouldn't that make such a huge difference?? Maybe just try it when your feeling lonely or sad and it's just you and the thoughts in your head, it might make you feel better, it always puts a smile on my face!!

"Life is not a process of discovery; it's a process of creation. You do not live each day to discover what it holds for you, but to create it." - Neale Donald Walsch from "Conversations with God"

1 comment:

  1. this is a beautiful thing you are creating, it seems to come from the best mix of your heart and your head, I am so proud of you for the things you are doing, my eyes well up with saline solution, you got me again, keep up the good work sweetheat, I love you! dadnk
